Silver Price: $34.08
NYSE: AG $6.76
TSX: AG $9.68
Frankfurt: FMV €6.20


We believe that silver can not only be produced responsibly, but is an essential component of a better, more responsible future. Read our joint statement on the topic of critical silver here.

One of our core values—and a key building block of First Majestic’s vision—is to work towards sustainability through exceptional corporate citizenship. We know that operational excellence goes beyond the return to our shareholders; it considers the well-being of our employees and their families, the communities where we work and the impact on our environment while respecting the fundamental human rights, cultures, customs and values of our employees and communities. First Majestic is committed to socially responsible mining: working safely, ethically and with integrity, taking responsibility for our impacts on the environment and the communities where we operate, and contributing to local sustainable development. We recognize that integrating responsible practices into our management systems and standards across the Company is essential to ensure the long-term prosperity of our business.

Policies & Standards

Our Policies and Standards communicate guidelines for our practices and those of our business partners

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Sustainability Report

Our biennal sustainability report shares our performance in areas of sustainable development

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Case Studies

Read examples of our impacts in case studies about sustainable initiatives

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reduction in Lost Time Injuries, 2022-2023


reduction in total Scope 1+2 emissions, 2022-2023


of 2023 new hires are women


reduction in diesel use, 2022-2023

Our Commitments to Responsible Production

First Majestic Silver Corp. is committed to responsible production. Through our activities, we work to make a positive contribution and generate value for our employees, shareholders, communities in which we operate, and business partners.

In conducting our business, we will:

Ethical Conduct

  • Obey the law, report incidents as required by applicable laws, rules and regulations (“Laws”), and conduct business in accordance with our Code of Ethical Conduct. This is specifically tied to our commitment to compliance with Laws, and our commitment to anti-bribery and corruption in Principles 1, 14, and 20 of our Code of Ethical Conduct.
  • Ensure that no bullying or harassment, violence or discriminatory conduct occurs in the workplace. This is specifically tied to our commitment to diversity and non-discrimination in Principle 17 of our Code of Ethical Conduct.
  • Promote diversity, equity and inclusion in our workforce, in alignment with our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy.
  • Ensure that no forced or child labour occurs in the workplace or in our immediate supply chains, in alignment with our internal Security Standards and Guidelines documents, and in harmony with the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights.
  • Uphold freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, as applicable, for our workforce, and provide fair living wages and working hours.

Risks and Opportunities

  • Work to improve our long-term social and environmental practices by developing and implementing our ESG strategy by 2025.
  • Avoid, minimize or mitigate negative environmental, social and economic impacts and maximize positive opportunities. This is in alignment with our Vision to be the world’s largest primary silver producer while improving the lives and communities in our host regions and increasing shareholder value.
  • Identify and manage risks and opportunities facing our business. To do so we will continually improve health, safety, environmental and social performance practices, management systems and controls. We will work to ensure such risks and opportunities are fully integrated into our decision-making processes and activities.

Health and Safety

  • Promote a culture of health and safety, in alignment with Principle 16 of our Code of Ethical Conduct. We recognize and continually reinforce company-wide efforts to improve health and safety performance.
  • Ensure that all employees and contractors have the knowledge and ability to safely perform their duties.
  • Identify and manage occupational health and hygiene exposures to protect the short and long-term health of our employees and contractors.
  • Responsibly transport, utilize, and manage cyanide.


  • Commit to sound environmental management practices, as indicated in Principle 15 of our Code of Ethical Conduct.
  • Integrate consideration of environmental risks and opportunities, including physical and transition risks and opportunities, in our management decisions and activities.
  • Promote the efficient and responsible use of electricity, water, fuel and other resources throughout our business and value chain.
  • Reclaim disturbed land after closure, and wherever practicable, during mining operations.
  • Respect legally designated protected areas and work to improve biodiversity through re-vegetation activities.
  • Identify, reduce and manage waste and emissions.
  • Implement practices to ensure the safe operation and closure of tailings storage facilities, in particular moving to dry stack tailings practices where possible.

Community Engagement

  • Foster open and respectful dialogue with the communities in which we operate and seek to operate.
  • Support local communities through measures such as community development programs, locally sourcing goods and services and employing local people.
  • Align with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights.

Supply Management

  • Engage our suppliers to ensure alignment with our ethical practices, and to ensure the absence of forced or child labour in their processes.

Audits and Reporting

  • Monitor and regularly report on our environmental, social and other sustainability-related risks, opportunities, management and performance. Our biennial sustainability reports are available on our website.
  • Maintain anonymous and confidential feedback mechanisms, also known as “whistleblower” mechanisms, which allow employees, contractors, workers in our supply chain, or other interested parties to report any concerns, including violations of our codes and policies. This is specifically tied to our Whistleblower Policy and Principle 19 of our Code of Ethical Conduct.
  • Ensure that anyone reporting concerns or violations will not experience retaliation or intimidation, as explicitly prohibited in our Whistleblower Policy.
  • Conduct regular internal audits to ensure compliance with our expectations, policies and procedures.
