Silver Price: $29.57
NYSE: AG $5.85
TSX: AG $8.00
Frankfurt: FMV €5.38

First Majestic Updates ESG Sustainability Activities Aimed at Helping Local Communities and Improving the Environment

First Majestic Silver Corp. (AG:NYSE | FR:TSX)(the "Company" or "First Majestic") is pleased to update stakeholders and shareholders on its activities following the release of the Company's first Environmental, Social, Governance and Sustainability Report (the “ESG Report”) published in September 2020.

One of the most critical issues faced by all companies worldwide over the past year has been the COVID-19 pandemic. The global impact triggered an unprecedented call for collaboration and tested First Majestic's capabilities to support and take care of the workforce and community members within its areas of influence. Today’s sustainability update highlights the most relevant activities and impacts achieved in 2020 in close collaboration with more than 5,000 employees and contractors, community members, and public authorities to minimize the social and economic effects caused by the global pandemic.

The inaugural ESG Report showed First Majestic’s foundation and commitment to benchmark the sustainability performance of the Company which allows a broader audience to appreciate how the operations are reflected by the Company's commitment to responsible practices and transparency with all stakeholders.

"First Majestic’s commitment to safety, environment, and communities is a core principle of the Company, and it’s continually ingrained in our operations," said Keith Neumeyer, President and CEO. “Since we began operating in Mexico in 2003, we have always had a socially responsible approach to mining and its responsibilities as the primary employer within our local communities. Our best practices are committed to working safely, and with integrity, while also contributing to local sustainable development."

The Company has identified the following ESG material topics for its operating and non-operating sites: 

  • Health and safety
  • Local communities and stakeholder’s engagement
  • Water management
  • Care for fauna and flora
  • Mining waste and tailings management
  • Energy consumption and emissions
  • Reclamation and closure
  • Human rights
  • Governance, diversity, and inclusion

As a result of the Company's systems, policies, and practices implemented, First Majestic collects and reports all relevant and comparable data across its operations and projects. The ESG Report and disclosure follows internationally recognized guidance for extractive companies operating globally and is aligned with Canadian Enhanced Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) Strategy. These practices include the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, International Finance Corporation Performance Standards, Global Reporting Initiative, and UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

The inaugural ESG Report can be found on the Company’s website by linking to

Our People First – Health & Safety

  • Prior to the Mexican Government deeming mining as an essential business on May 18, 2020, First Majestic had already acted quickly by adopting several sanitary protocols to slow down or prevent the spread of the virus throughout the communities and operations where the Company is active. Some examples of protocols and programs which were implemented include:
    • Preparedness and response plans for COVID-19 prevention and control at each site.
    • Purchased sufficient stocks of personal protective equipment (“PPE”) to protect our employees and contractors from COVID-19, including but not limited to: facemasks, face shields, gloves, cleaning and disinfection products.
    • The Company continued paying full salaries to all workers during the Mexican Government’s Decree which forced all mining operations to shut down for approximately two months during the second quarter of 2020. Even to this day, the Company continues to pay full salaries to approximately 400 people considered as vulnerable workers under Mexican Law and who cannot return to work.
    • Medical checkpoints for pre-screen testing at all operating and non-operating units, including quarantine areas available in case self-isolation is required.
    • Provided educational awareness programs for all employees and community members on the pandemic and measures needed to safely live and work.
    • Implemented access control testing measures, including tracing and isolation procedures, to help identify employees and community members who were exposed to the virus.
  • During the height of the pandemic, First Majestic assisted in building an advanced polymerase chain reaction (“PCR”) laboratory facility in the city of Durango. Constructing the lab included purchasing state-of-the-art medical equipment from abroad and teaming up with the Durango State Government to train medical technicians. Our industry partner, Wheaton Precious Metals, also assisted with the funding of this laboratory.
  • In close collaboration with health services near each operation, First Majestic supported targeted efforts to upgrade and equip facilities to improve responses during current critical times. A total of 12 health centers received contributions from First Majestic. This included resources to hire additional health-care workers, personal protective equipment, for health-care staff, emergency-response equipment, transport isolation pods, oxygen tanks, defibrillators, and medicines. As a result of the upgrade provided by First Majestic, health-care centers in our local communities were able to operate 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, and deal effectively in managing the impacts of the pandemic.
  • Through donations, communication awareness, and prevention campaigns, the Company collaborated with health services and local governments to minimize the spread of COVID-19. Strategies included providing hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette (covering cough and sneeze), physical distancing (minimum 1-2 metres), signs and symptoms, testing, awareness signs in public areas, disinfecting communities and media campaigns.
  • The hospital at the San Dimas operation was reinforced with additional staff, including installing specialized COVID-19 testing equipment, oxygen facilities, isolation areas, and portable respirators. In addition, an ambulance was donated to the community with the assistance of Wheaton Precious Metals.
  • At La Encantada, First Majestic obtained additional medical equipment, including a medical respirator, two ambulances and five buses. The buses were used to transport personnel between the communities and the mine to reduce the risk of contagion. In the words of the Mayor for the City of Ocampo, Laura Maria Silva, “We are very pleased with the extraordinary support from First Majestic to our communities. Protective equipment donated by the Company, including additional front-line health workers, cleaning and disinfection products, training for families and workers, and basic food for the most vulnerable people helped us to achieve one of the lowest contagion rates in the country. Thanks to these efforts, there were no COVID-19 casualties in the rural areas within our municipality.
  • The Santa Elena operation supported six municipalities within its area of influence by hiring part-time doctors and nurses to meet the needs of the local population. In addition, the Company donated US$100,000 worth of vitamins/supplements, oxygen tanks, ventilators and medical beds to support community efforts.

Socio-Economic Shared Value – Inclusive Growth

  • Keeping First Majestic’s employees healthy and safe, and the operations active was a critical goal, not only from a business perspective but also to support local, state and federal economies. First Majestic’s San Dimas, Santa Elena and La Encantada operations are the largest employers within their surrounding communities.
  • Two large camps were built to separate regional employees, staff and contractors from communities and reduce potential exposure in our San Dimas and Santa Elena operations. This strategy, though costly, has brought a significant benefit to these communities allowing them to improve health and sanitary controls to protect local economies and businesses.
  • In February 2021, the San Dimas operation and Sections 21 and 22 of the Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores Mineros, Metalurgicos, Siderurgicos y Similares de la Republica Mexicana (which represents the San Dimas Union mine workers) ratified a new two-year collective agreement. The new agreement strongly supports the production guidance for 2021 and is fundamental to achieving the health, safety and productivity for its 902 Union workers. The Federal Government Senator and President of the National Union, Napoléon Gomez Urrutia, highlighted in a press release on February 22, 2021 that First Majestic's social responsibility and willingness to reach a fair and satisfactory agreement for both parties, particularly under the current economic situation caused by the pandemic, should be recognized. "It is important to recognize the Company's attitude of solidarity with its workers,” stated Mr. Gomez Urrutia. “I hope this agreement will set an example to follow by other mining companies due to the pandemic that caused the loss of thousands of jobs."
  • During the pandemic First Majestic has dedicated special priority to food security and support for the most vulnerable community members, including elders and people with physical disabilities. Through local impact programs, the Company purchased and distributed more than 10,000 food boxes containing products provided by local small businesses.
  • Our CSR and procurement teams at Santa Elena, La Parrilla and Del Toro worked with local small and medium businesses, mainly women-owned, to produce and distribute 25,000 reusable face masks within the local communities at no cost.
  • In the communities near Santa Elena, approximately 30 local businesses received comprehensive training and mentoring to activate and accelerate e-commerce solutions to minimize the pandemic's negative economic impact.

Site Improvements and Community Impacts

Maintaining and improving good relationships and collaboration with our host communities is essential to achieve our sustainability targets. Through proactive engagement, the Company understands social, economic and environmental priorities and takes actions to tackle the most pressing issues. The following highlights summarize our shared programs and results achieved in 2020 at each operation. 

San Dimas Silver/Gold Mine, Tayoltita, State of Durango

  • Job creation and economic impact – The San Dimas operation generates 2,262 direct jobs and has an annual cumulative economic impact (direct and indirect) estimated at US$162 million.
  • Tax contributions – Since acquiring San Dimas, First Majestic has paid a total of 518.6 million Mexican Pesos, or approximately US$25.9 million, in employee payroll taxes from May 2018 to February 2021. In 2020 alone, the Company paid employee payroll taxes totaling 201.7 million Mexican Pesos, or approximately US$10.1 million.
  • Telecommunications – Lack of communications infrastructure is one of the biggest barriers in rural communities. First Majestic invested in critical infrastructure, including microwave and radio links and optic fiber to connect remote ejidos, Truchas town, and the main city of Tayoltita. In 2020, the main skills development center in the town of Conalep, was able to open on-line training through broadband connection provided by the San Dimas mine.
  • Financial inclusion – Tayoltita is one of the least connected areas in Mexico to financial services. The distance gap reduces opportunities for small businesses and local entrepreneurs to grow. The San Dimas mine provided critical infrastructure to open electronic banking services through four automated teller machines and facilitated access to financial services for the workforce, local businesses and the community.
  • Electric power access – Having access to electricity is extremely critical in rural and remote areas throughout Mexico. Last year, First Majestic focused its effort to connect over 800 families across ten communities within the Tayoltita municipality with dependable electric power.
  • Access to community information – In 2020, the Tayoltita Radio Station, financed by First Majestic and Wheaton Precious Metals, started its first broadcast offering community-focused content. It is the first radio station in town and is opening new platforms for local creativity and community interaction. The Company also provided over 800 portable radios to connect community members. 
  • Education and sports for the youngest community members - First Majestic provides financial support for over 200 students at the Bruno Martinez primary and secondary schools. The Company allocates an annual contribution that represents around 70% of the school's entire operating cost. Education is complemented with sports activities and camps financially assisted by the company and includes opening recreational spaces for around 500 young community members. In addition, the Company completed the construction of the local Cultural Center to promote community activities and creative innovation.
  • Road construction and maintenance – In 2020, the Company provided maintenance services for over 319 kilometres of vital local roads costing approximately US$400,000.
  • Air transportation: First Majestic also provides air service, free of charge, to employees and community members travelling to Durango, the State’s largest city, for specialized medical services.

Santa Elena Silver/Gold Mine, Banamichi, Arizpe, Huepac, Aconchi, Baviacora, San Felipe, State of Sonora

  • Job creation and economic impact – The Santa Elena operation, including the nearby Ermitaño project, generates 1,285 direct jobs and an annual cumulative economic impact (direct and indirect) estimated at US$148 million.
  • Potable water access – Last year, the Santa Elena operation supported the municipality of Banamichi to maintain the potable water system and improve the availability and service continuity for more than 2,000 citizens. The support included trucking water to communities that have not yet established a water distribution system.
  • Road construction and maintenance – In 2020, the Company provided over 700 hours of heavy equipment to maintain rural roads and water reservoirs that represent critical infrastructure for local farmers, especially ranchers and agri-food producers.
  • Education and sports for the youngest community members - First Majestic provides financial support through university scholarships for 12 members of the local communities around the Santa Elena operation. Last year, the Company also provided much needed sports equipment to schools.

La Encantada Silver Mine, Ocampo, Muzquiz, State of Coahuila

  • Job creation and economic impact – The La Encantada operation generates 732 direct jobs and is the largest employer in the region. Annual cumulative economic impact (direct and indirect) at La Encantada is estimated at US$60 million.
  • Water access – The area of influence around the La Encantada mine is frequently affected by dry seasons which requires water management and water access programs for the communities. In 2020, the Company supported ejidos and community members to build and improve water reservoir capacity. This effort included the purchase of equipment to increase water collection and reduce evaporation losses. 
  • Road construction and maintenance – In 2020, the Company supported ejidos and community members through its road maintenance program focused on two goals: reducing car accidents and reducing costs for local farmers and residents. The program included installing traffic signs and other road infrastructure to reduce livestock and wildlife-vehicle collisions.
  • Education and sports for the youngest community members - First Majestic provides financial support to local programs focused on preventing and reducing school dropout rates, especially at primary and mid-levels. The Company annually donates sports equipment, clothes and toys for kids from economically vulnerable families.

Innovation with Purpose - Minimizing our Environmental Footprint

  • The La Encantada mine was successfully converted from diesel to Liquid Natural Gas (“LNG”) power over five years ago which has significantly reduced its carbon footprint. This effort has continued at the Company's Santa Elena operation which is currently being converted over from diesel to natural gas. Over the past year, the construction of the 12.4 MW LNG power plant at Santa Elena has been a major focus of the Company. This new power plant will substantially reduce costs and represent First Majestic’s continued efforts to reduce the environmental impact of mining in Mexico.
  • Every operation owned by First Majestic is in full compliance with environmental regulations and permits.
  • First Majestic utilizes only dry stack tailings disposal and storage systems at all of its operations compared to the more traditional wet tailings dams. The use of dry stack tailings allows for the recirculation/re-use of up to 85% of the water being used in the processing system, thereby reducing the use of water substantially and creating a much cleaner and safer tailing disposal system.
  • First Majestic also has protection plans for flora and fauna at each of our operations including protecting the black bear population at the La Encantada operation, planting over 1,000 endemic trees as part of a restoration and reforestation project at La Guitarra near Valle de Bravo, and ongoing reclamation projects at every mine site it operates.


First Majestic is a publicly traded mining company focused on silver production in Mexico and is aggressively pursuing the development of its existing mineral property assets. The Company presently owns and operates the San Dimas Silver/Gold Mine, the Santa Elena Silver/Gold Mine and the La Encantada Silver Mine.  Production from these mines are projected to be between 12.5 to 13.9 million silver ounces or 20.6 to 22.9 million silver equivalent ounces in 2021.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION contact, visit our website at or call our toll-free number 1.866.529.2807.



Keith Neumeyer, President & CEO


This press release contains "forward‐looking information" and "forward-looking statements" under applicable Canadian and U.S. securities laws (collectively, "forward‐looking statements"). These statements relate to future events or the Company's future performance, business prospects or opportunities that are based on forecasts of future results, estimates of amounts not yet determinable and assumptions of management made in light of management's experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to purchases under the Company's normal course issuer bid and the timing and amount of estimated future production. Assumptions may prove to be incorrect and actual results may differ materially from those anticipated. Consequently, guidance cannot be guaranteed. As such, investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance upon guidance and forward-looking statements as there can be no assurance that the plans, assumptions, or expectations upon which they are placed will occur. All statements other than statements of historical fact may be forward‐looking statements. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives or future events or performance (often, but not always, using words or phrases such as "seek", "anticipate", "plan", "continue", "estimate", "expect", "may", "will", "project", "predict", "forecast", "potential", "target", "intend", "could", "might", "should", "believe" and similar expressions) are not statements of historical fact and may be "forward‐looking statements".

Actual results may vary from forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to materially differ from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to: market price of the Company's common shares; the Company's cash flow and revenues; the duration and effects of the coronavirus and COVID-19, and any other pandemics or public health crises on our operations and workforce, and the effects on global economies and society, actual results of exploration activities; conclusions of economic evaluations; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined; commodity prices; variations in ore reserves, grade or recovery rates; actual performance of plant, equipment or processes relative to specifications and expectations; accidents; fluctuations in costs; labour relations; availability and performance of contractors; relations with local communities; changes in national or local governments; changes in applicable legislation or application thereof; delays in obtaining approvals or financing or in the completion of development or construction activities; exchange rate fluctuations; requirements for additional capital; government regulation; environmental risks; reclamation expenses; outcomes of pending litigation including appeals of judgments; resolutions of claims and arbitration proceedings; negotiations and regulatory proceedings; limitations on insurance coverage as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Description of the Business - Risk Factors" in the Company's most recent Annual Information Form, available on, and Form 40-F on file with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C.  Although First Majestic has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended.

The Company believes that the expectations reflected in these forward‐looking statements are reasonable, but no assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct and such forward‐looking statements included herein should not be unduly relied upon. These statements speak only as of the date hereof. The Company does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update these forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable laws.

June 13, 2024
First Majestic Reports Positive Exploration Results at San Dimas
May 30, 2024
First Majestic Releases 2023 Annual Report
May 28, 2024
First Majestic Releases 2023 Sustainability Report and Strategy
May 24, 2024
First Majestic Announces Ticker Symbol Change on the Toronto Stock Exchange to "AG"
May 24, 2024
First Majestic Announces Voting Results from Annual General Meeting
May 14, 2024
First Majestic Reminds Shareholders to Vote in Upcoming Annual General Meeting
May 8, 2024
First Majestic Announces Financial Results for Q1 2024 and Quarterly Dividend Payment
April 16, 2024
First Majestic Produces 5.2 Million AgEq Oz in Q1 2024
April 1, 2024
First Majestic Announces 2023 Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource Estimates
March 26, 2024
First Majestic Announces Commencement of Bullion Sales from First Mint
February 22, 2024
First Majestic Announces Financial Results for Q4 2023, FY2023, Quarterly Dividend Payment and Deferral of Silver Sales
February 7, 2024
First Majestic Reports Positive Exploration Results at San Dimas, Santa Elena and Jerritt Canyon Properties
January 16, 2024
First Majestic Produces 6.6 Million AgEq Oz in Q4 2023 and 26.9 Million AgEq Oz in 2023; Announces 2024 Production and Cost Guidance and Announces Conference Call Details.
November 2, 2023
First Majestic Reports Third Quarter Financial Results and Quarterly Dividend Payment
October 12, 2023
First Majestic Produces 6.3 Million AgEq Oz in Q3 2023 Consisting of 2.5 Million Silver Ounces and 46,720 Gold Ounces
September 14, 2023
First Majestic Announces the Opening of a Minting Facility
August 14, 2023
First Majestic Announces Closing Sale of La Parrilla
August 3, 2023
First Majestic Reports Second Quarter Financial Results and Quarterly Dividend Payment
July 20, 2023
First Majestic Produces 6.3 million AgEq Oz in Q2 2023 Consisting of 2.6 million Silver Ounces and 45,022 Gold Ounces; Announces Updated 2023 Guidance and Management Update
July 18, 2023
First Majestic Reports High-Grade Exploration Results at San Dimas, Santa Elena and Jerritt Canyon
May 26, 2023
First Majestic Announces Voting Results from Annual General Meeting
May 22, 2023
CORRECTION FROM SOURCE: First Majestic Reminds Shareholders to Vote in Upcoming Annual General Meeting
May 22, 2023
First Majestic Reminds Shareholders to Vote in Upcoming Annual General Meeting
May 4, 2023
First Majestic Reports First Quarter Financial Results and Quarterly Dividend Payment
April 20, 2023
First Majestic Produces 7.6 million AgEq Oz in Q1 Consisting of 2.5 million Silver Ounces and 60,594 Gold Ounces; Announces VP Management Changes
March 31, 2023
First Majestic Announces 2022 Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource Estimates
March 30, 2023
First Majestic Announces Closing Sale of La Guitarra to Sierra Madre
March 20, 2023
First Majestic Temporarily Suspends Mining Activities at Jerritt Canyon
March 20, 2023
First Majestic Renews Share Repurchase Program
February 23, 2023
First Majestic Announces Financial Results for Q4 2022, FY2022 & Quarterly Dividend Payment
January 19, 2023
First Majestic Produces 7.6M AgEq Oz in Q4 2022 and a Record 31.3M AgEq Oz in 2022; Annual Retail Silver Bullion Sales Increase 27% to New Record; Announces 2023 Production and Cost Guidance and Conference Call Details
December 21, 2022
First Majestic Announces Closing Sale of Royalty Portfolio to Metalla
December 7, 2022
First Majestic Announces Proposed Sale of The La Parrilla Silver Mine for Up To US$33.5 Million
November 28, 2022
First Majestic Announces the Proposed Sale of Its Royalty Portfolio for US$20.0 Million
November 9, 2022
First Majestic Reports Third Quarter Financial Results and Quarterly Dividend Payment
November 1, 2022
First Majestic Reports Continued Exploration Success Intersecting 19.97 g/t Au over 20.9m Near Active Underground Mining at Jerritt Canyon
October 18, 2022
First Majestic Produces a New Record of 8.8 Million AgEq Ounces in the Third Quarter Consisting of 2.7 Million Silver Ounces and 67,072 Gold Ounces
August 23, 2022
First Majestic Intersects 19.35 g/t Au over 23.2m in Potential New High-Grade Gold Zone at Jerritt Canyon; Follow-up Drilling Confirms Presence of High-Grade Gold Pod near Active Underground Mining in Smith Mine
August 8, 2022
First Majestic Releases 2021 Sustainability Report
August 4, 2022
First Majestic Reports Second Quarter Financial Results and Quarterly Dividend Payment
July 20, 2022
First Majestic Silver Corp. Announces At-The-Market Offering Equity Program
July 20, 2022
First Majestic Produces 7.7M Silver Eqv. Oz in the Second Quarter Consisting of 2.8M Oz Silver and 59,391 Oz Gold; Announces Updated 2022 Guidance and Conference Call Details
May 31, 2022
First Majestic Intersects 8.39 g/t Au over 29.7m near Active Underground Mining at Jerritt Canyon
May 27, 2022
First Majestic Announces Voting Results from Annual General & Special Meeting
May 25, 2022
First Majestic Announces Proposed Sale of the La Guitarra Silver Mine
May 12, 2022
First Majestic Reports First Quarter Financial Results and Quarterly Dividend Payment
April 18, 2022
First Majestic Produces 7.2M Silver Eqv. Oz in the First Quarter Consisting of 2.6M Oz Silver and 58,892 Oz Gold
March 31, 2022
First Majestic Announces 2021 Mineral Reserve and Resource Estimates
March 17, 2022
First Majestic Renews Share Repurchase Program
March 10, 2022
First Majestic Announces Financial Results for Q4 2021, FY2021 & Quarterly Dividend Payment; Appoints New CFO
January 18, 2022
First Majestic Produces New Quarterly Record of 8.6M Silver Eqv. Oz in Q4 2021 and Achieves FY2021 Guidance with New Annual Production Record of 26.9M Silver Eqv. Oz; Announces 2022 Guidance and Today's Conference Call Details; Appoints Interim CFO
December 2, 2021
First Majestic Completes US$230 Million Convertible Senior Notes Offering
November 30, 2021
First Majestic Prices Offering of Convertible Senior Notes
November 29, 2021
First Majestic Launches Offering of Convertible Senior Notes
November 24, 2021
First Majestic Files Updated Technical Report for the Santa Elena Silver/Gold Mine in Sonora, Mexico Including a Positive Pre-Feasibility Study for the Ermitaño Project; Appoints Vice-President of Exploration
November 4, 2021
First Majestic Reports Third Quarter Financial Results and Quarterly Dividend Payment
October 12, 2021
First Majestic Produces a Record 7.3m Silver Eqv. Oz in the Third Quarter Consisting of 3.3m Oz Silver and 54,525 Oz Gold; Suspended Silver Sales and Held 1.4m Oz of Silver in Inventory at Quarter End
August 16, 2021
First Majestic Reports Second Quarter Financial Results and Quarterly Dividend Payment
July 13, 2021
First Majestic Produces 3.3M Oz Silver and 46,545 Oz Gold (6.4M Silver Eqv. Oz) in the Second Quarter of 2021 - Announces Updated 2021 Guidance, New Board Appointment and Conference Call Details
May 28, 2021
First Majestic Announces Voting Results from Annual General Meeting and Management Update
May 6, 2021
First Majestic Reports First Quarter Financial Results, Inaugural Dividend Payment, and Appointment of VP Operations
April 30, 2021
First Majestic Completes Acquisition of Jerritt Canyon Mine in Nevada, USA and Private Placement with Eric Sprott
April 14, 2021
First Majestic Produces 2.9M Oz Silver and 23,873 Oz Gold (4.5M Silver Eqv. Oz) in the First Quarter of 2021
March 31, 2021
First Majestic Files Updated Technical Reports, 2020 Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource Estimates & Appoints New Director
March 30, 2021
First Majestic Updates ESG Sustainability Activities Aimed at Helping Local Communities and Improving the Environment
March 18, 2021
First Majestic Renews Share Repurchase Program
March 12, 2021
First Majestic Announces Acquisition of Jerritt Canyon Mine in Nevada, USA
March 10, 2021
First Majestic Responds to Inaccurate Media Reports and Provides Update on Tax Dispute with the Government of Mexico
March 5, 2021
First Majestic Awarded as Socially Responsible Business in Mexico
March 2, 2021
First Majestic Initiates International Arbitration Request under NAFTA against the Government of Mexico
February 18, 2021
First Majestic Announces Financial Results for Q4 2020, FY2020 and Appointment of New Director
January 28, 2021
First Majestic Responds to Market Activity
January 20, 2021
First Majestic Produces 5.5M Silver Eqv. Oz in Q4 2020 (3.5M Silver Oz and 26K Gold Oz); Provides 2021 Outlook and Conference Call Details
December 7, 2020
First Majestic Announces Inaugural Dividend Policy
November 12, 2020
First Majestic to Appeal Circuit Court Decision to Nullify APA
November 5, 2020
First Majestic Reports Third Quarter Financial Results – Generates Record Revenues, Cash Flows and Earnings
October 13, 2020
First Majestic Produces 3.2M Oz Silver and 25,771 Oz Gold (5.2M Silver Eqv. Oz) in the Third Quarter
September 25, 2020
First Majestic Provides SAT Tax Dispute Update
September 21, 2020
First Majestic Announces Filing of Early Warning Report for Acquisition of Shares of Silver Dollar Resources Inc.
September 17, 2020
First Majestic Announces Closing of CDN$78 Million Bought Deal Investment by Billionaire Eric Sprott
September 10, 2020
First Majestic Announces CDN$78 Million Bought Deal Investment by Billionaire Eric Sprott
September 1, 2020
First Majestic Publishes ESG and Sustainability Report
August 6, 2020
First Majestic Reports Second Quarter Financial Results
July 15, 2020
First Majestic Produces 3.5 Million Silver Equivalent Ounces from Partial Operations in Second Quarter; Updates 2020 Guidance & Announces Conference Call Details
July 2, 2020
First Majestic Completes Acquisition of Springpole Silver Stream
June 11, 2020
First Majestic Acquires Silver Stream on First Mining’s Springpole Project
June 10, 2020
First Majestic Announces Voting Results from Annual General Meeting and Appointment of New Director
May 14, 2020
First Majestic Reports First Quarter Financial Results; Temporarily Postpones the Sale of Silver and Gold Due to COVID-19; Announces Operational Restart Procedures
May 13, 2020
First Majestic Initiates NAFTA Arbitration Process Against Mexico for Violating International Law
April 14, 2020
First Majestic Produces 6.2 Million Silver Equivalent Ounces in First Quarter
April 3, 2020
First Majestic Provides Update on Operations in Response to COVID-19
March 30, 2020
First Majestic Updates 2019 Mineral Reserve and Resource Estimates
March 27, 2020
First Majestic Acquires Shares in GR Silver - Early Warning
March 18, 2020
First Majestic Renews Share Repurchase Program
February 24, 2020
First Majestic Announces High-Grade Drill Results from its 2019 Exploration Program at the Ermitaño project within the Santa Elena land package
February 19, 2020
First Majestic Announces Financial Results for Q4 and Year End 2019
February 3, 2020
First Majestic Announces New Chief Operating Officer
January 21, 2020
First Majestic Announces 2020 Production and Cost Guidance
January 15, 2020
First Majestic Produces 6.2M Ounces in Q4 and Record 25.6M Ounces in 2019; Announces New Director & Conference Call Details
November 7, 2019
First Majestic Reports Third Quarter Financial Results
October 15, 2019
First Majestic Produces 6.6 Million Silver Equivalent Ounces in Third Quarter
August 7, 2019
First Majestic Reports Second Quarter Financial Results and Updates 2019 Production and Cost Guidance
July 15, 2019
First Majestic Produces 6.4 Million Silver Equivalent Ounces in Second Quarter; Provides Conference Call Details
May 24, 2019
First Majestic Announces Voting Results from Annual General Meeting and Management Changes
May 9, 2019
First Majestic Reports First Quarter Financial Results
May 1, 2019
First Majestic First Quarter Financial Results to be Released on May 9
April 16, 2019
First Majestic Produces 6.3 Million Silver Equivalent Ounces in First Quarter
March 29, 2019
First Majestic Updates 2018 Mineral Reserve and Resource Estimates
March 19, 2019
First Majestic Renews Share Repurchase Program
February 25, 2019
First Majestic Announces High-Grade Drill Results from 2018 Exploration Program at the Ermitaño Silver/Gold Project; Permitting Status Update
February 25, 2019
First Majestic Announces Financial Results for Q4 and Year End 2018
January 14, 2019
First Majestic Produces a Record 22.2M Silver Eqv. Oz in 2018; Announces Higher 2019 Production Outlook & Conference Call Details
December 27, 2018
First Majestic Silver Corp. Announces At-The-Market Offering Equity Program
November 7, 2018
First Majestic Reports Third Quarter Financial Results
November 6, 2018
First Majestic Announces Updated Release Date for Third Quarter Financial Results
October 15, 2018
First Majestic Files Preliminary Base Shelf Prospectus
October 15, 2018
First Majestic Produces a Record 6.7 Million Silver Equivalent Ounces in Third Quarter
September 10, 2018
First Majestic and Evrim Resources Agree to Exercise of Ermitaño and Cumobabi Option Agreements
August 13, 2018
First Majestic Reports Second Quarter Financial Results
July 16, 2018
First Majestic Produces a Record 5.1M Silver Equivalent Ounces in Second Quarter; Increases 2018 Production Guidance to 20.5M - 22.6M Silver Equivalent Ounces
May 25, 2018
First Majestic Announces Voting Results from Annual General Meeting
May 10, 2018
First Majestic Announces New Stream Agreement at San Dimas Mine and New Credit Facility
May 10, 2018
First Majestic Completes Acquisition of Primero
May 9, 2018
First Majestic Announces Amendments to Advance Notice Policy
May 9, 2018
First Majestic Reports First Quarter Financial Results
May 9, 2018
Primero Announces Receipt of Mexican Antitrust Clearance for Arrangement With First Majestic and Files First Quarter Financial Statements on SEDAR
April 19, 2018
First Majestic Produces 3.9M Silver Eqv. Oz in First Quarter
March 29, 2018
First Majestic Updates Mineral Reserve and Resource Estimates for 2017 and Files Form 40-F Annual Report
March 19, 2018
First Majestic Renews Share Repurchase Program
March 13, 2018
Primero Announces Shareholders Vote In Favour Of Transaction With First Majestic
February 28, 2018
First Majestic Announces Financial Results for Q4 and Year End 2017
February 15, 2018
First Majestic announces Exercise and Closing of Over-Allotment Option
January 29, 2018
First Majestic Completes US$150 Million Convertible Senior Notes Offering
January 25, 2018
First Majestic Prices Offering of Convertible Senior Notes
January 24, 2018
First Majestic Launches Offering of Convertible Senior Notes
January 16, 2018
First Majestic Produces 16.2M Silver Eqv. Oz in 2017 (4.1M Silver Eqv. Oz in Q4); Announces 2018 Production Outlook and Cost Guidance
January 12, 2018
First Majestic Silver Announces Friendly Acquisition of Primero Mining and Restructured Stream with Wheaton Precious Metals
January 9, 2018
First Majestic Provides Review of 2017 Exploration Program and Plans for 2018
December 20, 2017
First Majestic files updated NI 43-101 technical reports on its Del Toro, La Parrilla and San Martin Silver Mines
November 2, 2017
First Majestic Reports Third Quarter Financial Results
October 17, 2017
First Majestic Produces 4.0M Silver Eqv. Oz in Third Quarter
October 3, 2017
First Majestic Reports Accident at La Encantada
August 3, 2017
First Majestic Reports Second Quarter Financial Results
July 11, 2017
First Majestic Produces 3.9M Silver Eqv. Oz in Second Quarter
June 2, 2017
First Majestic to Resume Operations at La Encantada
May 26, 2017
First Majestic Announces Voting Results from Annual General Meeting
May 24, 2017
First Majestic Announce illegal Blockade at La Encantada
May 4, 2017
First Majestic Reports First Quarter Financial Results
April 20, 2017
First Majestic Produces 4.3M Silver Eqv. Oz in First Quarter
March 31, 2017
First Majestic Updates Mineral Reserve and Resource Estimates for YE2016 and Files Form 40-F Annual Report
March 16, 2017
First Majestic Renews Share Repurchase Program
February 28, 2017
First Majestic Appoints New COO and New Member to Board of Directors
February 22, 2017
First Majestic Announces Financial Results for Q4 and Year End 2016
January 17, 2017
First Majestic Produces a Record 18.7M Silver Eqv. Oz in 2016 (4.4M Silver Eqv. Oz in Q4); Announces 2017 Production Outlook and Cost Guidance
November 9, 2016
First Majestic Reports Third Quarter Financial Results
October 27, 2016
Third Quarter Financial Results to be Released on November 9
October 13, 2016
First Majestic Achieves New Record in Silver Production; Produces 4.5 Million Silver Eqv. Ounces in Third Quarter
September 15, 2016
First Majestic Announces Resignation of Ramon Davila From Board of Directors
August 10, 2016
First Majestic Reports Second Quarter Financial Results
July 25, 2016
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Second Quarter Financial Results to be Released on August 10
July 12, 2016
First Majestic Produces 4.7 Million Silver Eqv. Ounces in Second Quarter
May 27, 2016
First Majestic Announces Election of Directors
May 16, 2016
First Majestic Silver Corp. Changes Annual General Meeting Time
May 12, 2016
First Majestic Silver Corp. Announces Closing of C$50 Million Bought Deal Financing; Over-Allotment Option Fully Exercised
May 10, 2016
First Majestic Reports First Quarter Financial Results
May 5, 2016
First Majestic Revises Date of First Quarter Financial Results to May 10
April 25, 2016
First Majestic Silver Corp.: First Quarter Financial Results to be Released on May 11
April 22, 2016
First Majestic Silver Corp. Announces C$50 Million Bought Deal Financing
April 14, 2016
First Majestic Produces a Record 5.1 Million Silver Eqv. Ounces in First Quarter
March 31, 2016
First Majestic Updates Mineral Reserve and Resource Estimates for Year End 2015 and Files Form 40-F Annual Report
March 28, 2016
First Majestic Silver Corp. Announces Updated La Encantada NI 43-101 Technical Report
March 14, 2016
First Majestic Renews Share Repurchase Program
February 25, 2016
First Majestic Announces Financial Results for Q4 and Year End 2015
February 11, 2016
Fourth Quarter and Year End Financial Results to Be Released on February 25, 2016
February 11, 2016
First Majestic Secures $60 Million Credit Facility
January 19, 2016
First Majestic Produces 16.1M Silver Eqv. Oz in 2015 (4.8M Silver Eqv. Oz in Q4); Announces 2016 Production Outlook and Cost Guidance
November 16, 2015
First Majestic Reports Third Quarter Financial Results
October 14, 2015
First Majestic Produces 3.6 Million Silver Eqv. Ounces in Q3'15
October 1, 2015
First Majestic Completes Acquisition of SilverCrest
September 25, 2015
First Majestic and Silvercrest Announce Shareholder Approval of Plan of Arrangement
September 15, 2015
Leading Independent Advisory Firms ISS and Glass Lewis Recommend that SilverCrest and First Majestic Shareholders Vote FOR the Plan of Arrangement
August 27, 2015
First Majestic and SilverCrest Announce Receipt of Interim Order and Mailing of Meeting Materials
August 11, 2015
First Majestic Reports Second Quarter Financial Results and La Encantada Operational Update
July 30, 2015
First Majestic Silver: Second Quarter Financial Results to Be Released on August 11
July 27, 2015
First Majestic Announces Friendly Acquisition of SilverCrest Mines
July 9, 2015
First Majestic Produces 3.8 Million Silver Eqv. Ounces in Q2'15
May 22, 2015
First Majestic Announces Election of Directors
May 7, 2015
First Majestic Reports First Quarter Financial Results
April 23, 2015
First Quarter Financial Results to be Released on May 7
April 22, 2015
First Majestic Silver Corp. Announces Closing of C$30 Million Bought Deal Financing
April 13, 2015
First Majestic Produces 3.9 Million Silver Eqv. Ounces in Q1'15
April 13, 2015
First Majestic Produces 3.9 Million Silver Eqv. Ounces in Q1'15
April 6, 2015
First Majestic Announces Promotion of Martin Palacios to Chief Transformation Officer
April 6, 2015
First Majestic Announces Acquisition of Shares of First Mining Corp.
April 5, 2015
First Majestic Silver Corp. Announces C$30 Million Bought Deal Financing
March 31, 2015
Announces New La Guitarra NI 43-101 Technical Report
March 11, 2015
First Majestic Renews Share Repurchase Program
February 23, 2015
First Majestic Announces Financial Results for Q4 and Year End 2014
February 2, 2015
Fourth Quarter and Year End Financial Results to be Released on February 23, 2015
January 13, 2015
First Majestic Produces a Record 4.2M Silver Eqv. Oz in Q4 and Annual Record of 15.3M Silver Eqv. Oz in 2014; Announces 2015 Production Outlook and Cost Guidance
December 1, 2014
Supreme Court of Canada Dismisses Appeal Application by Hector Davila Santos
November 12, 2014
First Majestic Reports Third Quarter Financial Results
November 6, 2014
Conference Call Scheduled on November 12, 2014
October 31, 2014
Third Quarter Financial Results to be Released on November 12, 2014
October 14, 2014
Produces 3.5 Million Silver Eqv. Ounces in Q3; Postpones the Sale of 934K Silver Ounces of Inventory
August 22, 2014
First Majestic to List on the Mexican Stock Exchange
August 13, 2014
First Majestic Reports Second Quarter Financial Results
July 21, 2014
Second Quarter Financial Results to be Released on August 13, 2014
July 14, 2014
New Record of 3.86 million Silver Eqv. Ounces Produced in Q2; Announces Spin-out of Non-Core Exploration Properties
June 9, 2014
First Majestic Wins Application to Dismiss Appeal
May 29, 2014
First Majestic Announces Election of Directors
May 13, 2014
First Majestic Reports First Quarter Financial Results
May 1, 2014
First Quarter Financial Results to be Released on May 13
April 15, 2014
First Majestic Announces US$30M Forward Sale Contract on Lead Production
April 8, 2014
First Majestic's Q1 Production Reaches New Record of 3.63 million Silver Equivalent Ounces
April 4, 2014
First Majestic Appoints VP of Technical Services
March 27, 2014
First Majestic Updates Reserves and Resource Estimates and Files Form 40-F Annual Report
March 10, 2014
First Majestic Announces Extension of Share Repurchase Program
March 3, 2014
First Majestic Announces Changes to Operations and Geological Teams
February 26, 2014
First Majestic Announces Financial Results for Q4 and Year End 2013
February 3, 2014
Fourth Quarter and Year End Financial Results to be Released on February 26, 2014
January 14, 2014
First Majestic becomes a Senior Silver Producer; Produces 10.64M Ounces of Silver in 2013; Projects 12.70M to 13.35M Ounces of Silver in 2014
December 23, 2013
First Majestic Announces Retirement of Robert Young from Board of Directors
December 4, 2013
Silver Doré Production Commences at the Del Toro Silver Mine
November 12, 2013
First Majestic Reports Third Quarter Financial Results
October 30, 2013
Third Quarter Financial Results to be Released on November 12th
October 24, 2013
Appeal Against First Majestic Dismissed
October 16, 2013
First Majestic Produces a New Record of 3.37 million Silver Equivalent Ounces
September 30, 2013
First Majestic Applies to Dismiss Appeal of Positive Judgment for US$93.84 million
August 13, 2013
First Majestic Reports Second Quarter Financial Results
July 15, 2013
Second Quarter Financial Results to be Released on August 13th
July 10, 2013
First Majestic Produces a New Quarterly Record of 3.27 Million Silver Eqv. Ounces
July 2, 2013
Payment of CDN$14.85 million Received in Court Litigation
May 28, 2013
Updated San Martin NI 43-101 Technical Report and Economic Assessment
May 24, 2013
First Majestic Announces Election of Directors
May 15, 2013
First Majestic Reports First Quarter Earnings of $26.5 million on Revenues of $67.1 million
May 7, 2013
First Quarter Financial Results to be Released on May 15th
May 2, 2013
First Majestic Announces Completion of La Guitarra's Expansion to 500 tpd
April 26, 2013
First Majestic Receives Positive Judgment for US$89.6 in Court Litigation
April 17, 2013
First Majestic Earns Socially Responsible Business Distinction Award for Fifth Consecutive Year
April 15, 2013
First Majestic Produces Another Quarterly Record 2.73 Million Silver Eqv. Ounces
April 9, 2013
First Majestic Silver: Del Toro Silver Mine Flotation Circuit Deemed Commercial
March 28, 2013
First Majestic Files Form 40-F Annual Report
March 11, 2013
First Majestic Announces Share Repurchase Program
February 26, 2013
First Majestic Announces Financial Results for Q4 and Year End 2012
February 20, 2013
First Majestic Silver to Announce Fourth Quarter and Year End 2012 Financial Results
February 19, 2013
First Majestic Elects Not to Exercise Right to Match Coeur's Offer for Orko
February 14, 2013
First Majestic Considering Superior Offer from Coeur to Acquire Orko Silver
January 25, 2013
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Production Commences at the Del Toro Silver Mine
January 9, 2013
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Achieved Record Production of 2.6M Silver Eqv. Ounces (2.3M Silver Ounces) in Q4; Produced a Record 9.1M Silver Eqv. Ounces (8.3M Silver Ounces) in 2012
January 2, 2013
First Majestic Appoints VP of Operations
December 19, 2012
First Majestic Announces US$50M Forward Sale Contract on Base Metals
December 16, 2012
First Majestic Announces Friendly Acquisition of Orko Silver
November 14, 2012
First Majestic Earns $24.9M in Third Quarter; Revenues of $63.6M, an Increase of 4%
November 7, 2012
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Third Quarter Financial Results to Be Released on November 14th
October 10, 2012
First Majestic Produces a Record 2.44 Million Silver Equivalent Ounces in Third Quarter
August 27, 2012
First Majestic Announces Appointment of VP of Exploration
August 21, 2012
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Updated Del Toro NI 43-101 Technical Report & Final Permit Received
August 16, 2012
First Majestic Recognized as a Leader in Corporate Social Responsibility
August 14, 2012
First Majestic Reports Second Quarter Financial Results
August 7, 2012
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Second Quarter Financial Results to be Released on August 14th
July 17, 2012
First Majestic Produces 2.1 Million Silver Equivalent Ounces in Second Quarter
July 3, 2012
First Majestic Completes Acquisition of Silvermex Resources
June 26, 2012
Silvermex Securityholders Approve Plan of Arrangement With First Majestic
May 22, 2012
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Del Toro NI 43-101 Technical Report & Pre-Feasibility Study
May 10, 2012
First Majestic Reports Strong Earnings of $26.4M in Q1 2012, Up 10% Compared With Q1 2011; Revenues Top $57.8M, Up 5% From Q1 2011
April 16, 2012
First Majestic Silver Corp.: First Quarter Production Results and Full Commencement of Commercial Production at La Parrilla
April 3, 2012
First Majestic Announces Friendly Acquisition of Silvermex Resources
March 30, 2012
First Majestic Files Form 40-F Annual Report
March 5, 2012
First Majestic Announces New Record Earnings & Cash Flows for 2011
February 24, 2012
First Majestic Silver to Announce Fourth Quarter and Year End 2011 Financial Results
January 24, 2012
First Majestic Silver Corp.-La Parrilla Mill Expansion to 2,000 tpd Completed: Del Toro Construction Update
January 12, 2012
First Majestic Silver Corp. Achieved Record Production of 1.96M Silver Ounces (2.1M Silver Eqv. Ounces) in Q4; Produced a Record 7.6M Silver Eqv. Ounces in 2011
January 4, 2012
First Majestic Appoints Chief Information Officer
December 30, 2011
First Majestic Names Douglas Penrose as Chairman
November 9, 2011
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Earnings Hit $27.8 Million in Third Quarter
October 26, 2011
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Third Quarter Financial Results to be Released on November 9th
October 12, 2011
First Majestic Announces Q3 Production Results and Commences Commercial Production at La Parrilla
October 7, 2011
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Third Quarter Production Results to Be Released on October 12, 2011-Conference Call Scheduled
September 20, 2011
First Majestic Silver Corp.: First Stage of Expansion at the La Parrilla Processing Plant Completed
September 13, 2011
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Mill Capacity at La Parrilla to Reach 2,000 tpd Following Positive NI 43-101 Pre-Feasibility Study
August 11, 2011
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Record Earnings of $30.6 million in Second Quarter
August 3, 2011
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Second Quarter Financial Results to be Released on August 11th
July 7, 2011
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Another Record Quarter of Silver Production
May 16, 2011
First Majestic Earns a Record $23.9 Million in First Quarter of 2011
April 7, 2011
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Silver Production Up 25%; Reaches 97% Pure Silver and Maintains Status as "Purest Silver Company in the World"
March 31, 2011
First Majestic Files Form 40-F Annual Report
March 31, 2011
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Update on the Del Toro Silver Mine
February 28, 2011
First Majestic Silver Corp.: 2010 Audited Financial Results Show Record Earnings & Cash Flows; A Breakout Year for First Majestic
January 11, 2011
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Production Up 72% to 6.53 Million oz Ag in 2010; Exceeds Guidance by 9%
December 13, 2010
First Majestic to List on the New York Stock Exchange
December 6, 2010
First Majestic Silver Corp.: La Parrilla Expansion to 1,600 Tonnes Per Day
November 10, 2010
First Majestic Acquires Surface Rights, Royalties and Infrastructure at Real De Catorce Silver Project
November 9, 2010
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Another Record Quarter of Earnings and Cash Flows
October 6, 2010
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Another New Record for Silver Production; 1,823,370 oz Silver Produced in Q3
August 16, 2010
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Record Earnings and Cash Flows. Purest Silver Producer With 93% of Revenue From Silver Production
July 8, 2010
First Majestic Silver Corp.: New Record for Silver Production; Produces 1,538,798 oz Silver
May 13, 2010
First Majestic Silver Corp.: First Quarter Marks 5th Consecutive Quarter of Net Income
April 22, 2010
First Majestic Silver Corp.: 2nd Year Running for Mexican Distinction as a "Socially Responsible Business"
April 13, 2010
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Conference Call to discuss First Quarter Silver Production and Year End Financial Results
April 12, 2010
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Production Increases by 30% to 1,619,403 Equivalent Ounces Silver
April 8, 2010
First Majestic Silver Corp.: La Encantada Achieves Commercial Production
March 24, 2010
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Conference Call to Discuss First Quarter Silver Production and Year End Financial Results
March 22, 2010
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Year End & Fourth Quarter Financial Results
January 11, 2010
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Production Increases by 18%, Reaches New Record
November 26, 2009
First Majestic Silver Corp.: La Encantada Opening Ceremony & Production of First Silver Precipitates
November 13, 2009
First Majestic Completes Acquisition of Normabec Mining Resources; Normabec Spins Out Brionor Resources Inc.
November 12, 2009
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Record Third Quarter Financial Results
November 6, 2009
Normabec Shareholders Approve Plan Of Arrangement With First Majestic
October 13, 2009
First Majestic Silver Corp.: La Encantada Expansion Nearing Completion
October 6, 2009
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Third Quarter Production Results
September 18, 2009
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Settlement of Current Liabilities Closes
September 16, 2009
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Second Tranche of Non-Brokered Private Placement Closes
September 14, 2009
First Majestic to Acquire Normabec Mining Resources
August 20, 2009
First Majestic Silver Corp.: First Tranche of Non-Brokered Private Placement Closes
August 13, 2009
First Majestic Silver Joins OTCQX
August 12, 2009
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Non-Brokered Private Placement and Debt Settlement
July 20, 2009
Second Quarter Production Results
July 16, 2009
Update of Litigation
May 14, 2009
First Majestic Silver Corp.: First Quarter Financial Results
April 27, 2009
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Silver Production Increases 4% in 1st Quarter
March 31, 2009
2008 Year End Financial Results
March 23, 2009
First Majestic Receives Mexican Distinction as a "Socially Responsible Business"
March 17, 2009
First Majestic Silver Corp.: La Parrilla Receives "Clean Industry Certification"
March 5, 2009
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Closing of $21.2 Million Offering
February 26, 2009
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Resource Disclosure Clarification
February 19, 2009
First Majestic Announces Pricing of Offering
February 18, 2009
First Majestic Announces C$25 Million Offering
February 17, 2009
First Majestic Silver Corp.: La Parrilla Silver Mine Updates NI 43-101 Resource
January 20, 2009
First Majestic Silver Corp.: San Martin Updated NI 43-101 Report Increasing Reserves/Resources by 45.81%
January 13, 2009
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Production Increases 27% in 4th Quarter
December 23, 2008
First Majestic Silver Corp.: La Encantada Updated NI 43-101 Report Increasing Reserves By 183%
November 19, 2008
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Operations Update
November 14, 2008
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Third Quarter Financial Results
October 28, 2008
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Another Major Intersection at Del Toro Silver Mine, Drill Hole Cuts 62.05 Metres (203.58 ft) of 422 g/t Ag, 6.29% Pb, 6.78% Zn & 0.74 g/t Au
October 23, 2008
First Majestic Silver Corp.: 3rd Quarter Production Results
October 10, 2008
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Del Toro Silver Mine NI 43-101 Resources of 57 Million Ag eqv. Ounces
September 11, 2008
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Many Positive Developments Underway
August 15, 2008
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Second Quarter Financial Results
July 17, 2008
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Major Intersection at San Juan Silver Mine; Drill Hole Intersects 74.20 Metres (243 ft) of 359 g/t Ag, 7.07% Pb & 7.60% Zn
July 15, 2008
First Majestic Silver Corp.: 2nd Quarter Production Shows Continued Ramp-Up
June 10, 2008
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Major Expansion Launched at La Encantada Silver Mine
May 16, 2008
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Record First Quarter Financial Results
April 29, 2008
First Majestic Silver Corp.: 1st Quarter Production Results
April 22, 2008
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Commissioning of Flotation Circuit at the San Martin Silver Mine
April 17, 2008
First Majestic Silver Corp.: 2007 Year End Financial Results
April 4, 2008
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Exercise and Closing of Over-Allotment Option
April 1, 2008
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Discovery of New High Grade Ore Shoot on the Vacas Vein at the La Parrilla Silver Mine
March 25, 2008
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Closing of $45,475,000 Offering
March 5, 2008
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Drill Intersects 39.6 Metres of 199 g/t Ag, 3.92% Pb & 4.02% Zn at San Juan Silver Mine
January 30, 2008
La Parrilla Silver Mine Update and New NI 43-101 Resource
January 17, 2008
Another Record Quarter of Silver Production
January 14, 2008
Toronto Stock Exchange Listing
December 13, 2007
TSX Conditional Approval
December 3, 2007
Update on the Chalchihuites Group of Properties
November 29, 2007
Highlights from 3rd Quarter Financial Statements
November 13, 2007
Update on the Cuitaboca Silver Project
October 23, 2007
Another Record Quarter of Silver Production
August 30, 2007
Highlights from 2nd Quarter Financial Statements
July 26, 2007
Second Quarter Silver Production Increases
July 4, 2007
La Parrilla Silver Mine Update and New NI 43-101 Resource
June 18, 2007
La Encantada Silver Mine Update and new NI 43-101 Resource
May 31, 2007
Highlights from 1st Quarter Financial Statements
May 28, 2007
San Martin Silver Mine Update and new NI 43-101 Resource
May 10, 2007
Closing of $34,415,000 Private Placement
April 28, 2007
Silver Production increases by 38%
April 20, 2007
Financing Amended
March 28, 2007
First Majestic Files Preliminary Short Form Prospectus
